Know Everything about the Trending Hemp Protein Powder


With the increase in climate consciousness and sustainability, there is an increasing number of people cutting out meat and dairy and embracing the vegan lifestyle.

They all seem to be raving about plant-based protein powders. Companies are also getting innovative and putting their best foot forward to bring out all sorts plant protein powders; Soy, hemp protein powder, sunflower, pumpkin and what not.

It is important to check the efficacy and know how the powder was extracted from the plant. The hemp seed powder is derived by cold pressing and retaining the unsaturated fats of the hemp seed. This is why hemp is a unique plant-based protein as it also has healthy fats in it.

It’s earthy and nutty flavour is not a reason of botheration for many, but you always have the option of adding it in your smoothies and shakes and making them healthier and power packed with protein.

The unsaturated fat is great for our heart health and keeps the bad cholesterol level low, improving overall wellness of the cardiovascular system.

Most vegetarian diets lack appropriate amounts of protein. Hemp has all 9 essential amino acids, including fibres and minerals essential for a healthy gut. This also reduces body inflammation. The protein present is easy to break down, causing less strain on our intestines.

Hemp protein is not highly-refined like soy based protein is rich in fibre and helps in improving our bowel system and also takes care of the uneasiness we feel in the morning. The fibre in hemp keeps our appetite full for longer periods of time, helping us avoid unhealthy snacking.

So, now that you know the merits of hemp protein powder, do include it in your diet plans and see the difference yourself.

Fusion Hemp is your one-stop shop for finding high-quality hemp protein powder on the market. Their founders wanted to curb the confusion, and hence, tried out all the available powders on the market. Weighing the pros and cons of each, they developed the highest-grade hemp powder after their extensive research.

The amazing reviews of their consumers can’t help but rave about the quality and the service of Fusion Hemp.

They make sure that you get the best quality product for the price you pay. They keep the grinding process very meticulous and industry-graded, keeping all the minerals and fats intact.

About Fusion Hemp:

Fusion Hemp is the best place to buy Australian hemp protein at affordable prices.

For more details, visit


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